
Sunday, May 13, 2012

Happy Mothers' Day!!!!  I'm doing laundry today.  Well, that's not all.  I got to attend a wonderful Bible study this morning, followed by a great worship service.  (My daddy surprised me and joined us for church!)  Then, I enjoyed a meal with my fabulous husband, kids, and daddy.  After the meal, we enjoyed the cake my daddy baked for me...Grandma's Secret Recipe!  And now I am safe at home, out of the rain that is quietly falling outside.  Safe with my healthy family...doing a load of laundry.  Some would say, "But, it's your day.  You should not be doing the laundry."  But, here's how I look at it.  Yesterday I spent about 3 hours catching up on folding clothes that had been piled in my bedroom for over a week.  See, we have been so busy, just having time to wash and dry the clothes was great.  Forget folding them and putting them away.  But, yesterday I was blessed with a whole day at home!  So, I drug all the clothes to the living room, turned on the TV, and started folding.  I even sat down on the floor and matched up about 50 pairs (not kidding there) of socks that had been stranded in the bottom of a clothes basket without their mates for way too long.  As I was folding I thought of how blessed I am to have all these clothes to deal with.  And how blessed I am to have had the great opportunities that have recently kept us so busy.  And to have had the health to enjoy those opportunities.  So, today as I decide to throw one more load of clothes in the washer, I feel blessed to have that washer right here in my house. 

I guess my point is that sometimes I get overwhelmed with all the things there are to do.  I am learning (oh, so slowly) that it really does not matter whether I get my clothes out of the closet or dig through a pile in a basket for them.  The thing to remember is that I have them and I am blessed!  I may go enjoy that blessing called a dishwasher next!

Counting my blessings on Mothers' Day,