
Sunday, August 18, 2013

Blue Skies and Rainbows

Tonight during our worship in song, I so enjoyed hearing the sweet voice of a little girl in front of me singing loud praise to God.  Standing there, I had an image of Cassie when she was four years old.  We have a video somewhere that I can no longer watch because we do not have a VCR.  But it does not matter.  The scene is etched in my mind like yesterday.  She is sitting on our couch in front of the big picture window in the living room of our first home.  Her short, blonde hair falls just to her chin and her little feet stick just over the edge of the cushion.  And she is singing.  Her favorite song at the time was "Blue Skies and Rainbows."  We sang it often.  As she heads off to college this week, I want her to be reminded of the words and to know that they are still true.  Nevermore will you be all alone...

"Blue skies and rainbows and sunbeams from Heaven are what I can see when my Lord is living in me...I know that Jesus is well and alive today!  He makes His home in my heart!  Nevermore will I be all alone since He promised me that we never would part!"